Yoga Rest Poses for Deep Relaxation


Yoga poses for rest are a beautiful way of engaging with your yoga practice in an effortless, supported way to experience a deep relaxed state.

Often done towards the end of class as we move towards Sivasana (final rest pose), these can also be used as a stand alone practice at the end of a stressful day, especially before sleep.

Inversions (up side down; including a gentle slope from feet to head) nourish the organs of the body and brain. You know the saying “Put your feet up”? Well that’s a very sensible thing to do to rejuvenate and rest! Reversing gravity has the added benefits of increasing blood flow to the face and scalp, maintaining healthy skin and hair.

Passive chest openers release the habitual slumping forward posture of those who spend time on screens. These poses also lift mood and encourage a freer flowing breath.

Relax into these poses in a supported and easeful way and enjoy the benefits!

*video coming soon!

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